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Thank you Annabel

During 2024 we bid goodbye to Annabel Beattie, our outgoing Chair.


The committee would like to record our thanks and best wishes to Annabel who retires and hands the reins over to Emma Pickup, who has been voted in as new Chair. 

Dick Whittington - what a show!

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Have a look at some of the amazing photos from Cinderella:


Latest News from PYPA

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We Did It!!!

After a very difficult few years we have finally put on our production of Pinocchio.


For the first time ever PYPA performed at The Fallibroome Academy to the largest audience we have ever had.


We over came COVID, fire alarms and whatever else the universe threw at us, thank you to everyone that made it possible. 


We are now starting the planning for 2023!!!

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We are so excited to announce that the

2022 Pantomime will be Pinocchio!!


To be able to audition you will need to attend the

pre audition meeting at Prestbury School on

Tuesday 7th September at 7.30pm.

Auditions are open to anyone in school years 7 to 13

that lives locally to Prestbury, Cheshire.

Audition dates: 10th, 11th & 12th September 2021

Show dates: 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th January 2022


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Goodbye Iain, Hello Annabel

After 5 years of being Chair, Iain Macleod has made the tough decision to step down, he will be replaced by Annabel Beattie.
A huge thank you to Iain for everything he has done for the PYPA over the years, he will not be disappearing completely and I’m sure will be found back stage during the show.

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